Monthly Archives: June 2013

Tori’s Gymnastics

Tori competed in her first competition in her current gymnastics club last Sunday and her group finished 1st! Tori got great scores, for Floor she got xx out of 12 and for Vault she got 10.8 out of 11…! What a first competition.

She has now been selected to move up two grades in the club, this means treble the hours per week. This will also mean many more trips out to Leopardstown for Alice, but I’m sure she won’t mind 😉

Roll on Rio 2016 … 🙂

GymComp2013(1)  GymComp2013(3)

Camping 2013 (Trip)

Well there goes another year of Camping done and dusted, and another great trip…! And compared to the wash-out we had last year, we were blessed with the weather 🙂

It all started on Friday (as per normal) and lasted until Sunday afternoon. The kids all had a great time as usual, we brought them to do the annual swim in the “freezing cold” stream. We also did the “compulsory” hike back from the swim to the campsite, well most of us did 😉

So that wraps up this year’s camping trip again, I hopefully won’t have to sleep rough and kill my back for a couple of nights again until next year…!

Some pictures in the gallery. Go to the gallery links page here and under “June 2013 – Camping 2013” click on the link to the gallery.